Yearly Archive: 2006

Micah by

ISBN: 0515140872 Series: Anita Blake #13 /p> It was half past dawn when the phone rang. It shattered the first dreams of the night into a thousand peices so that I...

Things that make you go mmmm?

I can’t make up my mind whether or not the new McDonald’s ad is a piece of subversive genius, or just a really bad ad. Either way I loves it. It...

Slither dir. by

I’ll be honest, at first I only wanted to go see Slither in order to support Nathan Fillion. But the trailers made it look entertaining, and the reviews were pretty good,...

Fables: Legends In Exile by

ISBN:1563899426 Once Upon a Time in a fictional land called New York City. Chapter One: Old Tales Revisited. In which we meet many of our principal players and get just the...