Yearly Archive: 2006

Silent Hill dir. by

The phrase, based on a computer game don’t really inspire much confidence do they? And I’ve never played Silent Hill, but, you know, a creepy film. Sean Bean. Its free. I...

Aint no flies on us

What does one wear to a baptism? Cause that is where I am now[1] at B#1‘s kid’s christening[2] and not only are clothes an issue, but also gifts. What does one...

Young ladies; married ladies; old maids; thoughtless young persons of both sexes; gamblers, profligates and libertines; servants who, whether by accident or design, have acquired an education beyond their station: these are the idle creatures who may be found at any hour of the night or day with a novel in their hands

Heather has a book meme that I’m stealing; Connect any six books in your library to each other by any way you want. One book will remind you of another because...