Yearly Archive: 2006

The Magician dir. by

This is the story of Ray, who for the right money can make anyone disappear. Although it isn’t magic he uses, not unless you count a count as a wand. He...

The Little White Horse by

The carriage gave another lurch, and Maria Merryweather, Miss Heliotrope, and Wiggins once more fell into each other’s arms, sighed, gasped, righted themselves, and fixed their attention upon those objects which were for each of them at this trying moment the source of courage and strength.

I picked this book up on a total whim, I have the vaguest recollections of a tv series by the same name, which may or may not have existed. But if it did I think I found it boring. Still I’m a horse fan. It was cheap, and short. I gave in.

I think I’d better leave right now

Strange thing happened when I was looking at the web stats today. It appears that someone got here by searching using the term koenigshklkoenigshklhafkljablerker. Yes, that’d be the made up word...

The Egyptologist by

Read with Historical Favorites Journal: Arrival in Cairo via rail from Alexandria. Set to work immediately. Have scheduled five days in Cairo for logistics and background wailting prior to heading south...