Tagged: dogs

Dogs – posts relating to dogs. Seems fairly self-explicable if you ask me :)

Dogs – posts relating to dogs. Seems fairly self-explicable if you ask me :)


Every summer for the past few years myself and Himself have been fostering dogs until they can find their way to Sweden and a new home. Every year we in Ireland...

The Last family in England by

Also published as The Labrador Pact. I really had no idea what to expect from this book, it was simply sitting with the returns at the library and looked vaguely interesting....

The Genius of Dogs by ,

“Brian Hare, dog researcher, evolutionary anthropologist, and founder of the Duke Canine Cognition Center, and Vanessa Woods offer revolutionary new insights into dog intelligence and the interior lives of our smartest...

Rain Reign by

Rose often finds life hard. She has autism, or asperger’s, what they call “high functioning autism. She is slightly obsessed with homonyms and with prime numbers. She keeps a list of...

The dog by

One day, in the depths of a Swedish winter, a little grey puppy gets lost in the woods. He had followed his mother as she followed the snow ski, but he...

Beautiful Joe by

Available on Gutenberg Beautiful Joe is the story of a dog, a mongrel whose first owner abused him, going so far as to chop off his ears and tail. He was...

A girl called Fred by

Roger Willgoose isn’t really a dog person. It is his wife really who decides to bring a dog into their home. But gradually this little Yorkshire Terrier, renamed Fred, worms her...

Clever dog by

illus. by Jo van Kampen. I’ll admit that I’ve watched a fair amount of Cesar Milan and his dog whispering, but while the television show entertains me, and he certainly seems...