Yearly Archive: 2006

Temeraire by

ISBN: 0007219113 Book #1 of the Temeraire series, aka His Majesty’s Dragon. See also: Naomi Novik’s site; Library Thing William Laurence is Captain of the Reliant, an English ship, fighting the...

The Agony and the Ecstasy by

ISBN: 0099416271 Wikipedia on Michelangelo;; Art of Florence Read with Historical Favorites – group site This is a big book; over 750 pages of small print and crowded pages. So...


Get your own website as a graph; What do the colors mean? blue: for links (the A tag)red: for tables (TABLE, TR and TD tags)green: for the DIV tagviolet: for images...

Nacho Libre dir. by

If you’ve seen the trailers for this film you’ll pretty much know exactly what to expect. Jack Black dancing about in stretchy pants and a Mexican wrestler’s mask. And that is...

Lady in the Water dir. by

This is an odd film. A very odd film.

Ever since The Sixth Sense Shyamalan has been known as the “twist guy” for his film endings; I don’t think that is a fair description. And while you can say that Unbreakable, Signs and The Village all had twists to their endings, the twists weren’t all that important. The films were stories about people, truth, and finding out who you are. The Lady in the water continues in this vein, but at the same time it is a very different type of film. As Shyamalan has said, it is a bedtime story. A fairy tale, for children. So it is, of course, going to be more simplistic and yet at the same time it is more complicated than that.

The Squad by

Michael Collins is frequently cited as the originator of modern urban terrorism. The British characterised his Squad as ‘the murder gang’ and had they knowingly captured members of of the Squad they would almost certainly have exectued them.

Irish history is full of revolutionaries and failed rebellions, of informers giving information to the English, and spies infiltrating Irish organisations. Michael Collins recognised the importance of the intelligence network and so in 1919 he formulated a plan to blind the eyes of Dublin Castle by ensuring that the police force were as terrorised and demoralised as possible.

Red Sky at night, good day tomorrow

So y’all know that there was this European athletics competition on over the past few days right? And that we actually had medal hopes on this occasion. Normally if Sonia aint...