Nacho Libre dir. by

17 August 2006

Script: ,
Cast: , , ,
Rated :

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usIf you’ve seen the trailers for this film you’ll pretty much know exactly what to expect. Jack Black dancing about in stretchy pants and a Mexican wrestler’s mask. And that is what you get.

If you haven’t seen the trailers, well take a look at the poster. It tells you everything you need to know about this film. Jack Black jumping about in stretchy pants! Am I repeating myself?

Maybe, but only because the film repeats itself. Over and over again. But this isn’t a bad thing. Most of the repeats are funny, some you’ll laugh out loud at. You won’t at others.

Black plays a brother in a monastery; as a child he wanted to be a wrestler but was forbidden as it is a sin. Instead they made him a cook. Not a very good one, but that may have more to do with the standard of ingredient. The other monks aren’t too happy, and either are the orphans.

But then Ignacio spots a poster for wrestling, and finding a partner in the form of Esqueleto, he decides to take part, as the wrestler Nacho. Entering the ring in a glorious moment. And promptly loses.

Still it makes him and Esqueleto some money, so they decide to give it another go. And another.

The fighting is excellent. It never goes on for too long, and it is always cartoon like and good for a laugh. The actual plot is worthless. But you aren’t expecting a plot, or at least I wasn’t, so that didn’t bother me.

All in all it is 92 minutes (although in the US they got 100, according to IMDb) of a film that’ll keep you entertained, but it won’t leave you wanting more.

IMdb | The Uber Geeks | The Element of Surmise | Wand of Wonder | Film Judge

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4 Responses

  1. Carl V. says:

    I just laughed my butt off at the theatre at this one and will buy it on DVD. It had the humor of Napoleon Dynamite (almost) with a real sweet family type story as well. Loved it.

  2. Fence says:

    Ah it was okay Carl. Didn't have me in fits of laughter at any stage though. But yes, suitable for all the family.

  3. Carl V. says:

    You should've went with us, you'd have been laughing at us if not with us.

  4. Fence says:

    Maybe next time Carl ;)