Tagged: BSG

Yes we can!

I should get up off my arse and go pee. So America has a new president. Congrats all. Wish we could get a new government. I have totally no confidence in...


It is Friday today. Aren’t you glad? First of all, especially for the In Fact, Ah peoples we bring you Dinosaurs and their Biscuits. How cool is that? And second of...

Why didn’t the Macgyver theme have lyrics?

Cause then I could’ve just used that as my title. I suppose I could have typed in 3-3-3-3-3-3-3—2—-0—–3-3-2-3-2–0—–7–0——————| b:——————-3—3—————–3————————| g:——————————————————————| d:——————————————————————| a:——————————————————————| E:——————————————————————| e:3-3–2—-0—-3-3-2-3-2–0—–0—3-2-0-3-2-0-3-2-0-3-2-0–3-2-3–5—-7| b:——–3—3—————-3—————————————-3—| g:————————————————————————–| d:————————————————————————–| a:————————————————————————–| E:————————————————————————–| But to...


“There’s a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.”