Yearly Archive: 2005

Top 5

Ask me what me top 5 anythings are, *fx: Mrs Doyle* go on go on go on. To explain a little further, in the comments ask me about something, clouds, for...


Do you remember when Braveheart came out, and everyone was going on about how great it was? Were they simpler times do you reckon, or were we just blinded by the...

Celebrate good times

Come ON! I got tickets, I got tickets. Okay, I had to pay but who cares, because I got my ticket. What do you mean “to what”? To Serenity. 24th of...

Still Sharpe

This week, apart from going home and then going to the rds and watching the purty hosses, I’ve mainly been watching Sharpe. (Anne, you can switch off now :) not only...

Mis hermanos

EDIT – jeez, people. Don’t you notice nuffink? I never mentioned what brother #3’s new nickname is. So I’m just going to leave you in suspense. As I’ve mentioned I was...

The importance of not being so blunt

“These three men were intricately involved in the global terrorist network” the East Belfast MP said.
Bertie Ahern would do well to remember the words of President Bush when he said: ‘those who harbour terrorists are terrorists’.”

Eragon by

ISBN: 0552552097Eragon is the story of a boy and his dragon, and his quest to save the world. In a way, I suppose, it is a usual fantasy story. It has...