Lost – Hearts and Minds dir. by

9 August 2005

Genre: ,
Script: , ,
Cast: , , , ,
Rated :

Episode # 13

A good episode here. I didn’t review the previous one Whatever the Case May Be because it wasn’t good and I didn’t have anything to say about it. This one however was very, very interesting.

We got to see Boone’s flashbacks, and they said a fair bit about his and Shannon’s history. I have to say I was a little unsure of their exact relationship and once we saw a little of their past it was safe to say there was no way they were just brother and sister.

And more about Locke. He really is a weirdo, but can he be trusted. What was all that about needing Sayid on his side? He really is a very ambiguous character. He has so much knowledge and skill, and yet there is that sense that something just isn’t right with him. I suppose it depends where the show goes, are the mysterious island folk going to be majorly evil, as it seems they will, and if so will Locke be on their side or the survivors’?

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