The borrower

Moneyball dir. by

Billy Beane is general manager of the Oakland As, and they have just lost the final game of the season. Again. And they are losing their best players. Teams with more...

Stray by

Okay, first off the cover to this is awful. Really, it is. And second of all, I did have huge problems with this book. But I’ll get to them later, first...

Winter’s tale by

Peter Lake was once in training to be a mechanic, but a tragedy meant that he was cast out of that life, and found himself with the Short Tails. A New...

Grave’s end by

In 1982 Elaine Mercado and her family moved from an apartment into what they hoped would be their dream home. This house, in the Gravesend section of south Brooklyn, needed some...

Pegasus and the flame by

Mythology and Reality collide! So the blurb on the back of this book tell me. The mythical winged stallion Pegasus crash lands on a rooftop in modern day New York, fleeing...

Julie of the wolves by

Received free from NetGalley Written in 1972 this is the story of Miyax, whose English name is Julie, and her attempt to run away to San Fransicso. When the story begins...

Captain America : The First Avenger dir. by


Too short, too unfit, too ill for military service, all Steve Rogers wants is to join up and serve his country in fighting the Nazis. He has been picked on all his life, but refuses to back down, once you start running, he believes, you’ll never stop. When Dr. Abraham Erskine discovers this desire he begins to pull strings and gets Rogers into the army, into a special, experiemental unit, to be precise. Soon Rogers is no longer too small, or too unfit, he is in fact a super-soldier. Although what can one man do? Well, propaganda. He is sent off touring the states in an effort to try and persuade the public to buy war bonds. And then, on to Europe to entertain the troops. But they aren’t interested in his performance, they want to see the girls. Rogers, however, is very interested in the news that this is the 107th, the very same unit his best friend joined, but of Bucky there is no sign. Rogers decides that he has had enough of Captain America the stage hero and decides to go in and rescue the missing soldiers.

But you don’t really need that back story do you? I mean, we’ve all heard of Captain America, the superhero who fought the Nazis, right?

Flashback by

It is the year 2036 and the world is in ruins. The United States of America, in particular, is one of those once-great countries that have fallen off the rails. Their...

The borrower by

The Borrower

I’ll admit I picked this book up because I liked the tagline, She borrowed a child. He stole her. Lucy Hull who is a children’s librarian runs away with Ian Drake when she finds him hiding out in the library one morning. She’s always enjoyed him when he visited the library, even if she did worry over his mother and the insistance that Ian only be allowed borrow books with the “breath of God” in them. And definitely not those ones with magic and satanism in them!

And then Lucy finds a note making her believe that Ian is being sent to anti-gay classes. She isn’t really kidnapping him, she is rescuing him.