Yearly Archive: 2006

We all fall down

I blame de mudder. Met her for lunch last week and she told me that pretty much the entire family had a cold last weekend. On Friday I had a bit...

The Case of the Missing Books by

blockquote>No. No, no, no, no, no. This was not what was supposed to happen

Israel Armstrong has left England, and a job in a discount bookshop, for a job as a librarian in Northern Ireland. Slightly overweight, Jewish and vegetarian, he really doesn’t seem to fit in. And lets not mention that the library job he was hired to fill doesn’t seem to exist any more as the library has been closed. Instead the council want him to run the mobile library. But there is problem there too; it seems that the stock of in and around fifteen thousand books has gone missing.

The Dark Is Rising Sequence by

ISBN: 0140316884 5 Vol.s in one Over Sea, Under Stone The Dark Is Rising Greenwitch The Grey King Silver On The Tree “Where is he?” Barney hopped from one foot to...

pointless movie type thing

As I may not have mentioned I am away for the weekend. I’m heading up to Sligo and so will be offline till Monday. So to keep you all occupied over...

The Shooting Party by

Trans: A.E. Chamot It has take me quite a while to finish this short novel, still I would recommend it highly. Chekhov is famous for his plays, his Cherry Orchards and...

Sometimes I, Sometimes I

As you can see I have unstickified that voting post. I was getting ever so bored of seeing the yellow banner everytime I visited, so I’m sure you were too. And...

OMG, you killed Kenny!

Once more Joss posts on Whedonesque Since everyone’s all abuzz with the CW rumor, I have to get all official and say: WE’VE STARTED FILMING NEW EPISODES! See, that, the deliberate...

Munich dir. by

Based on the events that followed the terrorist attack on the Munich Olympic Games in 1972, this film has a lot of political baggage. There are those who see it as...