Yearly Archive: 2005

Stay crunchy, even in milk

Gestolen from My Little Empire we have a movie meme[1] The rules: Pick 10-20 films you loved/thoroughly enjoyed. Find screen captures (stills) for each film. If you can’t find a still,...

Some langer!

Had a really nice weekend doing absolutely nothing. Nada. Not a thing. Was great. I had had vague plans to do a bit of a clean up, hoover etc on Sunday,...

Iron Council by

This is the third of Mieville’;s books to be set in the wonderful world of New Crobuzon, and so far my favourite of this ‘verse. I enjoyed Perdido Street Station, admired...

Dark sarcasm ought to be taught in schools

I’ve had Sky News on in the background for more than an hour now while I was reading, and then surfing. Nothing but the story on the police officer shot in Bradford. Of course this is a tragedy, but isn’t this level of coverage a little over done considering they don’t actually have anything at all to say, apart from the fact that two female officers were shot, one injured in hospital, the other dead.

Gawk all over de place

Holy crapola. They’ve gone and fired Roy Keane! Man Utd must be mad. i know he isn’t as great a player as he used to be, and certain comments he makes...