Stay crunchy, even in milk

22 November 2005

Gestolen from My Little Empire we have a movie meme[1] The rules:

  1. Pick 10-20 films you loved/thoroughly enjoyed.
  2. Find screen captures (stills) for each film. If you can’t find a still, pick a new movie.
  3. Post the pictures with the rules; let your readers guess from what movie each still is
  4. NO GOOGLING! This includes using IMDB if you recognise an actor

Pics under the cut

Some of these are real easy.



  1. yes, normally I’d say film, but you know m and m goes together

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6 Responses

  1. Well, I'll hazard a few guesses. I see The Lost Boys, LOTR, A Knight's Tale, Friday Night Lights and Brotherhood of the Wolf….and I'll kick myself if I don't remember the others….

  2. NineMoons says:

    Lost Boys

    Brotherhood of the Wolf

    Friday Night Lights


    Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring




    Not sure but I’ll guess that Russian vampire flick. Can’t remember its name…

    A Knight’s Tale

    Pitch Black

    And I didn’t cheat at all

  3. lemuel says:

    NineMoons, its Nochnoi Dozor, eh sorry, I mean Night Watch.

  4. NineMoons says:

    Thanks Lemuel but I already phone Fence and asked her.
    It's not cheating.
    IT'S NOT!

  5. Fence says:

    Yup. All guessed correctly peoples. FM all your guesses were right. As were yours NM (look at me with all my abbreviations). And Lemuel well done with the Russian.

  1. 13 January 2006

    […] Its film-fun time again (see how I just transformed a once-off random post into a re-occuring event). Below the cut are 10 pictures, id the films for me. Most are quite easy, is I ever when I do this again I must go looking for real tough ones. Remember no googling allowed. If you want to embiggen the pix then clicking should help. […]