Yearly Archive: 2005

To be Read Over

Here is the deal, these are some 110 top banned books. Bold what you’ve read, italicize what you’ve read part of. via This Blog will be Deleted by Tomorrow The Bible...

Night of the Dolphin

Armed dolphins, trained by the US military to shoot terrorists and pinpoint spies underwater, may be missing in the Gulf of Mexico.

Experts who have studied the US navy’s cetacean training exercises claim the 36 mammals could be carrying ‘toxic dart’ guns. Divers and surfers risk attack, they claim, from a species considered to be among the planet’s smartest. The US navy admits it has been training dolphins for military purposes, but has refused to confirm that any are missing

Lookie here

We got another new addition to the story-crossing. Check it out

Whats left to say

Well now, there are quite a few topics in this post. But the question for me is, where to begin? With my sudden appreciation for an accent? of how work went?...


“There’s a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.”


I had started this ages and ages ago. But wasn’t happy, and had no ending, so I took it down again. But I now have a vague sense of the ending,...

Ladyhawke dir. by

I’ve wanted to buy this film on dvd for a long time now, but kept putting it off because it is a pretty vanilla dvd release. Menus are not a special...

True as the North Star

I may be jumping the gun a little, but at least this way you may get some practice in. Tomorrow (Monday the 19th) is Talk Like A Pirate Day. And in...

The Bull Raid by

ISBN: 1405212551 This is a YA book based on the Irish legend of The Táin. Cúchulainn is the legendary Ulster warrior who is forced to defend the province from the Connacht...

Cinderella Man dir. by

– Joe Gould Based on the true story of James J Braddock. A boxing film. Set during the Depression. Consider all of these things and you may be thinking that this...