Boy Eats Girl

Flashback by

It is the year 2036 and the world is in ruins. The United States of America, in particular, is one of those once-great countries that have fallen off the rails. Their...

Tongues of Serpents by

ISBN: 9780007256778 book 6 in the Temeraire series There were few streets in the main port of Sydney which deserved the name, besides the one main thoroughfare, and even that bare...

I am legend [based on the book] by dir. by

After the end of the world as we know it Robert Neville lives in New York. All alone apart from his dog, Sam, he drives around hunting deer, chatting to mannequins and going through the stock of a local video store. He also makes sure to be home and locked away by the time night comes. Because at night the rest of the survivors come out. And they aren’t so friendly.

Hitman dir. by

To be honest I never thought I’d be bothered to see this film. The trailers made it look ridiculous, and not in a good way, but we were going, and it...

Daywatch [based on the book] by dir. by

This film starts off pretty much exactly where Nightwatch finished up, there is a quick voice over recap and then we are into the action, with Anton having just lost his son to the Dark Others, Zavulon in particular. Svetlana is now in training with Anton; he spends much of his time hiding how he feels about her while she tries to show him how she feels. Of course dating the trainee is a big no-no according to Geser, especially one that will probably be such a Great Light Other.

Fool Moon by

ISBN: 1841493996 Book two in The Dresden Files read for the RIP Challenge I never used to keep close track of the phases of the moon Harry Dresden is a wizard....

Spiderman 3 dir. by

I wasn’t a huge fan of the first two spiderman films; I enjoyed them but didn’t LOVE them. They were good, solid entertainment. Two was probably a little better, though I...