
We begin at the end by

This is one of those books I would never have picked up if it hadn’t been a book club selection, and readily available from the library when I was looking for...

The invasion by

Grey Lands #2 After reading The call I was happy with how the story ended. I’ll admit, I thought that certain things had come to an end, but in The Invasion...

The call by

Grey Land #1 Ireland has been cut off from the rest of the world. No ships, no planes. No email contact, not even radio waves make it in or out of...

Booksmart dir. by

I probably wouldn’t have gone to see this film if it wasn’t for hearing about it on the podcast so thank you Mark Kermode, because this is a really lovely entertaining...

Normal people by

What is a normal person? Is anyone normal? and if not, does that not mean that everyone is? I guess normality is often seen of as going along with what society...

Us dir. by

Okay, so I don’t think I ever reviewed Get Out when I watched it. But I loved it, and have seen it a few times, so I knew I was going...

The square dir. by

The whole time I was watching this film I felt like I was waiting for it to start, or to make its point, or something. And then it ended, and I...

Crimson by

translated by Anna Helger I have no idea how I came across this book. Did someone recommend it to me? All I know is that it showed up as a library...

So lucky by

Handheld Modern ; 2 I’ve really enjoyed everything I’ve read by Griffith, and she has written in a wide variety of genres, science, historical, and mystery, and that’s just the books...

Aquaman dir. by

So this was not a very good film. I mean, I don’t think I was expecting too much, it is a DC universe flick and apart from Wonder Woman I haven’t...

Eggshells by

I first noticed Eggshells when it arrived at work, with those hints about changelings and fairy tale echoes. But I didn’t pick it up at the time. It was only more...