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2 January 2021

Call no:
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This is one of those books I would never have picked up if it hadn’t been a book club selection, and readily available from the library when I was looking for my next read. It is advertised as Gripping. Heart-Breaking. Unforgettable. Discover the Most Captivating Crime Read of 2020. Hmmmm1

Look, it is fine. It’s well written, has a good pace to it, and kept me turning the pages. But heart-breaking? and unforgettable? sorry I don’t think so. I don’t think I every invested in any of the characters and without that investment how can a book ever make you feel?

I really don’t want to damn this book with faint praise, but I don’t understand the rave reviews I saw on the library ebook page. What is it that people were so gripped with?

  1. that’s the sound of my doubtfulness 

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1 Response

  1. Haywood Hunt says:

    I’m always looking for new crime based books to read. Thanks for the review. I think I’ll skip this one! I’m all about it needing to be captivating!