Author: Dearbhla

A knowledge of history is important

I’m referring to a letter I saw in the Sunday Times (I think) about London’s reaction to the bombings. I can’t find it online, so I’m forced to rely on my memory, but the gist of it was that this bombing will not work. That other countries have tried to take over England; The Romans, the Vikings, the French, the Germans and the Irish. Tried and failed.

Boyle to Sligo

In today’s Irish Times Tim O’Brien gives us a brief history lesson on Ireland’s crappy transport system. He uses as an example Alice, who traveled from Boyle to Bray on the...

Shooting History: A personal journey by

ISBN: 0007171854 Jon Snow has been a journalist since the early 70’s, but even before that he was involved in anti-apartheid demonstrations, and worked as a volunteer in Africa. This book...

We3 by ,

ISBN: 1401204953 I heard about this comic over at The Woolamaloo Gazette, and when I took a look on the forbiddenplanet site it was quite cheap around nine euro I think,...

More on brain lesions

Remember when I mention Tom Cruise in relation to brain lesions (it wasn’t all that long ago), well, I came across this article in the Guardian (via In Fact. Ah) where...

The Facts of Life by

ISBN: 0753818426 I’ve read a few books now by Joyce, and this has to be my favourite so far. Set during, and just after the London Blitz of WWI, this book...

The Rossport Five

I’ve been thinking of posting on this subject for a while, but I don’t really know the full story. And searching webland reveals a whole lot of noise, but not a lot of data. And maybe that is the problem.


She walks down the road, much like any other person. Nothing about her attracts attention. All around her people pass each other by, rarely making eye contact, talking only on mobile...