Yearly Archive: 2007

Copy crazy

I sometimes think that the art of taking notes is long dead. I remember going to college, reading books and or journals and taking notes about what I’d read. I rarely,...


It appears that it has been quite some time since I last wrote any fiction. Although I suppose that whole inane post regarding the love between chickens and cows and their offspring could be considered a strange form of fiction. Any way, I’ve decided that I’m going to use the LunaNina words as inspiration. Each week:”(providing you remember that just because I say that I intend to do something doesn’t actually mean that it will happen)”: I’ll pick one of her words and maybe write something inspired by it. This week Bread

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I’ve been hugely amused by an ad currently showing for TG4 and their blending of US imports and Irish shows, who’d ever have linked Cold Case and Ros na Rún i...

300 [based on the book] by , dir. by

I have a feeling that how you feel at the end of seeing this film will be hugely coloured by your mindset before the film began. Personally I loved it. Wonderful visuals and a great story. Wasn’t overly impressed with the characterisation, but you can’t have everything.

The film begins with a voice-over, and this narrator pipes up throughout the film, sometimes describing the action that we are watching on screen. I have no doubt that some will find this redundant, but, given the ending and who the narrator is I think this device actually works really well. Plus he does add to the melodramatic, over the top atmosphere that make this such a good film.

Just hush!

So, instead of rugby this blog will know turn its attention to… cricket! Nah, not really, though I have watched some of our winning ways. Who knew that failed[1] furrin[2] crickteers...

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Yeah, so I’m a day early, but I won’t be here tomorrow. So instead we are going to pretend that tomorrow is today. Which of course means only one thing. Rugby!...


Thirteen Things. And seeing as today is the Ides of March I thought I may as well use that as my inspiration for this week’s T13 The Ides of March falls...