2715 Search results

For the term "".

from Why dinosaurs matter by

The most damning misconception about dinosaurs is the idea that their extinction, except for the birds (more on that later), represents their own failure to adapt to changing conditions. Until relatively...

The silver tide by

The Copper Cat trilogy ; book 3 As this is book three in a trilogy you really should read the books in order. And if you enjoy action and adventurer fantasy...

The new friend by

Polly and the Puffin ; book 3 I haven’t read any of the others in this series, but if they are all like this then they are cute little stories about...

Boo Who? by

It can be hard to make new friends, especially when you are different that the other children. And in this case the new kid in the group is a ghost who...

The non-binary brain

Misogynists are fascinated by the idea that human brains are biologically male or female. But they’ve got the science wrong Willingham, Emily, The non-binary brain. Aeon. – via metafilter

Stats 2018

Books by women : Books by men : Books by Irish authors : Books by Uk authors : Books by US authors : Diverse authors : LGBTQ idetifying authors : Books...

Clockwork Boys by

The Clocktaur War ; book 1 Any book by Ursula Vernon (aka T. Kingfihser) is one that I want to read, and as I back her on Patreon I have had...

Tangleweed and brine by

A collection of thirteen short stories, retellings of various fairy tales, with a feminist slant. Deirdre Sullivan is one of those authors I’ve been meaning to get to for a while....

from Gnomon by

How many harmless young black men have been injured or killed in modern cities in white countries this year, for the crime of exciting someone else’s racism? Too many, and it...

from Gnomon by

She must move. Or she must stay put. She must attack or she must escape. It is vitally important that she does something, even if it is nothing. To be surprised...

Gnomon by

I loved this book. Loved it. But I am totally aware that this is not a book that everyone will enjoy. It starts out with Inspector Neith investigating a death in...