Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

The great thing about

The best thing working in a library is the books you come across. Now I work in a college library, so it is mainly academic titles, and usually scientific in nature....

Well tis Imbolc time

Also known as the beginning of Spring, or, here in Ireland St. Brigid’s Day. Mind you I haven’t even seen a hint of the crosses… There is a phrase here in...

Sectarian symbol? I fink not!

Lookie, lookie, two vaguely serious posts in the one day. Must be Friday. One of the Blue Peter presenters was recently in the news, some one had rung in complaining about...

Ladder 49 dir. by

So you see firemen and Joaquin Phoenix and you think, hmmm, that’ll be fun. (Or you do if you’re me). Well it wasn’t. Honestly, yet another crappy film. 2005 has been...

Temptation is calling

Man, I hate those red spoiler warning on, especially when they relate to Serenity, like this one, which says it is only a minor spoiler, but how minor is minor?...

Doesn’t this sound great:

“Graphic novel innovators Dave McKean and Neil Gaiman (creators of “The Sandman” and “Violent Cases”) have fashioned a fluid visual style with endless curves and no right angles. Cats with wings...

The acorn never falls far from the tree

Or so some saying goes. The Irish Times(sub req.d) has a story that George W. Bush is related/descended from Strongbow, and therefore from his wife Aoife and so of Dermot McMorrough....

I love

the internet. Through it you can find out such great information. For example, Neil Gaiman has a Beowulf script that looks like it’ll be made into a film, directed by Robert...

The Briar King by

ISBN:0330419455 # 1 in the Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone series Picked this up because it is the Jan. read for Fantasy Favorites. unfortunately it is book one in a series...