Hortense and the shadow

The invasion by

Grey Lands #2 After reading The call I was happy with how the story ended. I’ll admit, I thought that certain things had come to an end, but in The Invasion...

Children of blood and bone by

Legacy of Orïsha #1 I added this book to Mount TBR back in 2018, but it took it being nominated for Not-a-Hugo-but-the-Lodestar to get me to read it. Back then Ana...

The call by

Grey Land #1 Ireland has been cut off from the rest of the world. No ships, no planes. No email contact, not even radio waves make it in or out of...

The ear by

First published in Estonian as Kõrv, 2019 This is such an odd little book. It tells the tale of an ear who wakes one day to find that their head is...

Nought forever by

A long time ago I read the first three books in the Noughts and Crosses series by Blackman, and really, really enjoyed them. But for some reason I never got to...

Prince Caspian by

The Chronicles of Narnia : Book 2 (published order) or book 4 (chronological order) In this book the Pevensie children are heading back to school, but while seated waiting for trains...

Outside the gates by

I’ve loved every Molly Gloss book I’ve read since I first encountered her work in The hearts of horses back in 2014. She just has this wonderful way of writing a...

Jane, the fox, and me by

Translated by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou Oh, this is a beautiful book. The art work is just lovely, I love the style of it. Simple, often black and white, but...

The ordinary princess by

At her christening Princess Amy is blessed with the gift of being ordinary by one of her fairy godmothers, and, much to the horror of all around her, that is how...

Hortense and the shadow by

This is a really beautifully illustrated book and a girl named Hortense. She doesn’t like her shadow, it is always following her around, so one day she gets rid of it....