
Door in the Hedge by

ISBN: 0698119606 This is a collection of four short novellas, two of which are retellings of old fairy tales, the other two are originals. At least I think they are, I...

Lireal by

SBN: 0007137338 #2 in the Sabriel ‘verse This is the sequal to Sabriel, and begins fourteen years after those events. The main star is, as the title suggests Lirael. She celebrates...

The Borrible Trilogy by

ISBN: 0330490850 Borribles are small, looking like children apart from the fact that they have pointed ears, but they may be hundreds of years old, for they can live forever, unless...

Abarat by

ISBN: 0002259524 Barker has created an interesting world but I found that the whole story was overshadowed by the ending. But that is only because I didn’t realise that it was...