Author: Dearbhla

May 2018 round-up

Slightly late, but it isn’t as though anyone is urgently awaiting this. More for myself than anything else. In May 2018 I watched twelve films according to my letterboxed stats. Of...

Alias Grace by

Based on the true story of Grace Marks, an infamous murderer in Canada in the 1840’s, Atwood’s book uses different narrators to tell the story, as well as interspersing the story with extracts from other works. From poems, fiction, newspapers of the time, and other sources. Although this is based on the real story, Atwood has, of course, fictionalised a great deal of the novel.

The two narrators are Grace herself, who tells her story in the first person, past tense, and Simon Jordan, the doctor investigating her claims of insanity or innocence. His parts are told by a third person narrator, and are in the present tense.

Hortense and the shadow by

This is a really beautifully illustrated book and a girl named Hortense. She doesn’t like her shadow, it is always following her around, so one day she gets rid of it....

from Alias Grace by

A woman like me is always a temptation, if possible to arrange it unobserved; as whatever we may say about it later, we will not be believed

Deadpool 2 dir. by

I didn’t particularly enjoy Deapool when I saw it last year. But Himself had no one to go to, so I figured I’d “offer it up” and accompany him. I have...

Artificial condition by

The Murderbot Diaries ; 2 The whole time I was reading this book1 I kept telling myself to slow down. It is short, only 159 pages2 so I knew that soon...

April 2018 round-up

In April I read 7 books, 5 by women and 2 by men. Two non-fiction. My book of the month has to be The cat who walked a thousand miles by...

Raw dir. by

Original title : Grave This film is just great. It is so unsettling and uncomfortable and eww-inducing. There were parts where I just couldn’t watch. It is just… damn. But it...

God’s own country dir. by

Johnny Saxby is running his family farm pretty much single-highhandedly. His father’s illness means he can’t help out, although he can still point out what needs doing. His mother left a...

The lives of Tao by

I added this book to my TBR pile way back in 2016 when the author talked about pitting his character against Rand from the Wheel of Time series. Usually I’m not...