Friday’s Child by

19 December 2006

Call no:
Genre: ,
Setting: ,
Rated :

ISBN: 0099468042 ; Wikipedia entry

“Do not, I beg of you, my lord, say more!” uttered Miss Milbourse, in imploring accents, slightly averting her lovely countenance, and clasping both hands at her bosom.

This may be my favourite Heyer so far. It has all the usual ingredients, romance, melodrama, along with a great deal of humour. Most of her books do have some, but this had me laughing more than any other. Plus the characters were great. Hero, or Kitten really isn’t much of a hero at all but she is so good-humoured that no matter the scrapes she ends up in you can’t help but like her. And Sherry is just as bad. And as entertaining and likeable.

The collection of friends are great fun too.

And as usual the book is a page-turner, you won’t want to stop once you’ve started reading it.

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8 Responses

  1. Harlequin says:

    I'm SO glad you liked it!! I just loved Friday's Child – I somehow missed it when I was reading them years ago and ended up discovering it for the first time this year. I thought Sherry and Kitten were fantastic and the whole thing was just hilarious. Particularly all the boys. Especially George and his Byronic hero posturing and constantly trying to call his friends out. Hee hee.

    I'll be wanting it back ASAP. ;-)

  2. Aarti says:

    Hi, we're on a couple of yahoo groups together, and I came to check out your blog. I think we have the same book taste :-) I LOVE Georgette Heyer, and Friday's Child is excellent. Have you read Black Sheep? I think that's the most romantic of her novels.

  3. Aarti says:

    And I just realized that you tagged me in your Naomi Novik post. Nice :-) I really like that series and look forward to the next one.

  4. Been checking for your Eragon review the last few days. Aren't you going to see it? It really wasn't all that bad. I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially John Malkovich's Dr. Evil impression. There should be more fantasy films made. Just seeing a new world on a cinema screen, no matter how clichéd or stereotyped, is liberating. And some of the landscape shots in it were gorgeous.

  5. Fence says:

    Hey Aarti, I don't think I've read Black Sheep. Harlequin has lent me most of the ones I've read, so I'll have to ask her :) I tend to forget the titles.

    Mal, I just haven't had the time to go. I may try and catch it this evening. Wasn't overly impressed with the book, so that may mean good things for the film :)

  6. Harlequin says:

    I will lend you any and all Heyers you want my honey. I don't think you've read it yet. Black Sheep is set in Bath and has Miles and Abby in it. I liked it but not in my Top Ten Heyers. I preferred Lady of Quality which is quite similar. xxx

  7. Aarti says:

    I guess Harlequin and I have different tastes, as I didn't much care for Lady of Quality myself- it probably depends on which one you read first, as the plots *are* very similar.

    I think my favorites are Talisman Ring and Cotillion- if you can fit those in your schedule somewhere, I'd highly recommend them :-) And Devil's Cub, which I prefer to its semi-prequel, These Old Shades.

  8. Harlequin says:

    Ah well then we do have similar tastes!! I LOVE Cotillion and Devil's Cub. Ah, Dominic. Sigh. And darling Freddy. Such a dote. I think These Old Shades was the first Heyer I ever read so it has a special place in my heart but for sheer gorram romance, Devil's Cub beats it hands down! I also adore Sylvester. Am fairly sure Fence has read Cotillion – don't know if she reviewed it though.

    Happy Christmas! :-)