Stan & Ollie dir. by

25 January 2019

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I know that I’ve watched some Laurel and Hardy films, they used to be on the telly around Christmas, but to be honest I really couldn’t tell you if they were any good. It was a long long time ago. But Stan & Ollie was getting good reviews and it was on in the cinema at the right time so, what the hell, went along to see it.

And its just great.

It has plenty of humour, but it also has so much heart. It really is an emotional film, and both Reilly and Coogan are just great in their roles. Their wives are also worth the price of admission.

If you get the chance go see it.

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1 Response

  1. 6 February 2019

    […] 16 films but only two of those were in the cinema, and there is non question, my favourite was Stan and Ollie. Also Aquaman was shite. The full list watched […]