He lay down low to the race, whining eagerly, his splendid body flashing forward, leap by leap, in the wan white moonlight.

5 December 2005

Shamelessly lifted from DjMargra’s stuff’n’stuff comes the news that Ireland is the puppy-farming capital of Europe, mainly because of our lack of regulations.

Ireland is a haven for puppy farms because not a single piece of legislation exists to control them or protect the welfare of the dogs, besides the Dog Act intended for pet owners, not commercial operations that operate in a grey area of legitimacy. Nothing limits how long the dogs may be bred, or how many times. They can be kept in any enclosure; there’s no rule that they must have outdoor runs or in the case of indoor breeds that they be kept warm indoors. EU chickens have more rights; livestock farmers have more legal responsibilities (sub’s req’d)

Check out the letter campaign to the minister for the environment here

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2 Responses

  1. Alan says:

    Sadly this letter writing campaign is unlikely to do any good unless the letters are placed in brown envelopes and passed underneath tables.

  2. Fence says:

    True, but it can't hurt to try.