Tagged: sisters

Raw dir. by

Original title : Grave This film is just great. It is so unsettling and uncomfortable and eww-inducing. There were parts where I just couldn’t watch. It is just… damn. But it...

The sky is everywhere by

Lennie is seventeen. Her mother went “exploring” when she was a baby, she lives with the Gran and her uncle Big, and until recently her older sister. But Bailey died suddenly,...

Wolf at the door by

The Jan Xu Adventures : book 1 Jan Xu’s sister is coming home. It should be a reason to celebrate. They were very close when they were younger, but then Marianne...

Significant Dust by

Vanessa works in a roadhouse in an isolated part of Australia. When we first meet her we don’t know why exactly she’s out there, she says she just wants to save...

Among Others by

Read for the Once Upon a Time VI challenge Many, many moons ago Carl posted his review of this book. And then and there I thought, that sounds interesting. But I...