Tagged: introspection

Greenberg dir. by

IMDb has this classified as a Drama and a Comedy. I’m not sure I see either. I know I didn’t enjoy it, so that rules it out as a comedy. I suppose, technically it is a work designed to be performed by actors so it qualifies as drama, but if it were up to me this would be firmly placed within the “angsty whiney shite were nothing happens” genre.

Elegy dir. by

IMDb ; OtherReviews David Kepesh, sometime narrator of this film, is an ageing lecturer. Or an ageing Tom Cat, going from woman to woman in order to maintain his independence. And...

Insert your own randowm quote here

I seem to have done nothing lately but reviews. And this after I made my grand “returning to blogging” speech. I guess I don’t have very much to say. Either that...