Tagged: hated it

Observe and report dir. by

Writ & Dir by Jody Hill
This is a supposed comedy in which a mall cop tries to get together with the “hot girl” and stop a flasher and find out who is stealing from the mall and also join the real police. I hated it. Hated and despised it. With a fiery fiery passion.

Greenberg dir. by

IMDb has this classified as a Drama and a Comedy. I’m not sure I see either. I know I didn’t enjoy it, so that rules it out as a comedy. I suppose, technically it is a work designed to be performed by actors so it qualifies as drama, but if it were up to me this would be firmly placed within the “angsty whiney shite were nothing happens” genre.

Signs dir. by

I found this to be a very disappointing film. I had enjoyed Shyamalan’s films and had hoped for something equally as good. It wasn’t even a twist that I was looking...