Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

Wolf at the door by

The Jan Xu Adventures : book 1 Jan Xu’s sister is coming home. It should be a reason to celebrate. They were very close when they were younger, but then Marianne...

What Doctor Gottlieb saw by

the Little Red Reviewer posted her review of Bitter Seeds by Ian Tregillis today and in it mentioned this short story set in the same Milkweed universe. It is available to...

Galatea by

Thanks to Andi’s review of The Song of Achilles I learned that Miller had a new short story out. So off I popped to by it. Based on the Greek myth...

Rose Under Fire by

It is 1944 and American pilot Rose Justice is working in England, she has joined the ATA and is hard at work transporting planes for the RAF, and occasionally flying important...

Things fall apart by

Set in pre-colonial Nigeria Things Fall Apart is the story of Okonkwo and his community. He sees himself as a hard-working, important man, he has gained many titles through his hard...

The conjuring dir. by

Based on the true story. Or so they say. In the 1970s Roger and Carolyn Perron move into a new home with their five daughters. It’s a little run down, needs...

The dragon’s path by

Book one of The Dagger and the Coin Read because of Carl’s Group Read The prologue of The dragon’s path hints at an ancient evil, at the end of the world,...

Template shenanigans

I am messing about with various templates at the moment. None decided on as final, but if you notice anything weird that is the reason why. Hopefully I’ll have a new...