Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

Thou shalt not suck off rent boys

Have to say, I am really enjoying the BBC’s new cop shpw, Life on Mars, its all about this detective who gets hit by a car in 2006 and wakes up...

Fer Jaysus’ Sake

Is milk really an iconic product? Is a “pint of milk” what represents Britain these days? I mean, just when you think the whole world gone mad watching a whale is...

Knife of Dreams by

After the last book, where nothing happened I was a little reluctant to start this. But although not a lot happens, some things do. And we can certainly see a lot of forward momentum and arranging for the next book, which is supposed to be the last in the series.

The world is full of educated derelicts

My poor neglected blogroll,            All of yesterday went by without me making my way through you and leaving comments. Indeed, these past few days I haven’t been visiting many blogs....


Memo to self: When walking down the street do not listen to Gift Grub. Laughing to yourself is the sign of a mad person. Do not sing along with songs entitled...

Crossroads of Twilight by

ISBN: 1841491837 Wheel of Time #10 This was a reread for me, I first read it when the hardback was released a few years ago. Sped through it and then said,...