Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

Bourne Double Pack [based on the books] by dir. by ,

As in The Bourne Identity And The Bourne Supremacy
Both based on the novels by Robert Ludlum. No spoilers.

I remember really enjoying The Bourne Identity when I watched it first. But for some reason I never saw the sequel, but with the third out now in the cinemas I thought this is an ideal opportunity to catch up. And when I spotted the dvd set of the pair was only 18 euro I nabbed it.

I haven’t watched any of the extras yet, so can’t comment on those, but I really enjoyed the films. The are the perfect blend of reality and fantasy violence.

Its a small world after all

And the internet is just as small, cause I’ve just discovered that I was in college with Alan. And I did have something else I wanted to say, I even had...

Blah blah blah

Attn:This will be nothing more than a boring whats going on post. No complaining now:, you’ve been warned. Work is loike, mad busy, roight. Full of scrambling[1] about and nagging lecturers[2]...


I’ve finally decided to get involved in this year’s RIP (Readers Imbibing Peril) challenge, and am going for the first option: Peril the First: Read Four books of any length, from...

Knocked Up dir. by

Proudly proclaiming the fact that this is from the same people who brought us The 40 Year Old Virgin this is a film that has been getting a lot of positive...

Computer says no

On my usual walk to work I encounter a considerable number of those free-newspaper-giver-outers[1] And all of them annoy me. Apart from the one I always take the Metro from. I...


Channel-surfing does terrible things. Terrible. There you are, innocently flicking past the mindless and the horrendous that passes for entertainment, when suddenly you find yourself watching Bull-riding. And worse than that....

Come down here and chum some of this shit

Dudes! Seriously, this is like the best thing eveh! Seriously. Totally even. Okay, so the shaaak/head thing isn’t the best in the world, but still, is this not the reason for...

Johnny’s back

Well, maybe not Johnny, but I am. And how is everybody doing? Two weeks of not being online all that often lead to clogged up inboxes and rss readers stuffed to...

Just a quick note

To say that there will be reduced blogging for the next two weeks or so. Possibly even none. Who knows, it is a mad mad crazy world.

TT #29

Everyone loves stats. And everyone who has a blog loves learning who came a-visiting and why. So, with thanks to Statcounter I’m revealing 13 questions or queries that people wanted answers...