Door in the Hedge

Robin McKinley is an American writer who has won many awards in the US, including the Newbery Medal for The Hero and the Crown (my review), a Newbery Honor for The Blue Sword, and the Mythopoeic Award for Adult Literature for Sunshine.
Robin McKinley blogs at & her website is

Robin McKinley is an American writer who has won many awards in the US, including the Newbery Medal for The Hero and the Crown (my review), a Newbery Honor for The Blue Sword, and the Mythopoeic Award for Adult Literature for Sunshine.
Robin McKinley blogs at & her website is

Sunshine by

At some point in the past I read Sunshine. And I loved it. I don’t remember when I read it, I didn’t review it on the blog or if I did...

Shadows by

Read a sample Shadows is set in an alternate world, one where the Newworld has eradicated all magic, and the risks they feel it brings. Magical families have been gene-spliced and...

Pegasus by

On their twelfth birthday all members of the royal family are “bound” to a member of the pegasi royal family. It has been so ever since humans first came to this...

Beauty by

A retelling of the story of Beauty & the beast Read for this year’s RIP challenge. Check out the RIP review site. Honour is the youngest of three girls. Her mother...

Dragonhaven by

I keep having these conversations with Dad.
I’m at my computer. He says, “What are you doing?” I mutter something, because the screen has a lot of squiggles on it so he already knows what I’m doing.

Jake has grown up at the Makepeace Institute of Integrated Dragon Studies. It is one of the last refuges of the only real Dragon, the Draco australiensis and a host of other creatures. But conserving the dragons isn’t everyone’s idea of the right thing to do. Plenty of people think that the day dragons go extinct just can’t come soon enough. But one day Jake comes across a dying female dragon, and the poacher she has just killed, and her one remaining baby dragon.

The Hero and the Crown by

She could not remember a time when she had not known the story; she had grown up knowing it.

Aerin is the only child of the king of Damar, yet she has never really been accepted there. The story of her mother, witchwoman who enspelled her father, has left her untrusted. Especially by the sol, the aristocracy. But slowly she finds a role and a place for herself. And in the end she is the one who becomes:”(this is not really a spoiler. Cause it is a YA fantasy novel. How do you really expect it to end?)”: both inspiration and legend.

Door in the Hedge by

ISBN: 0698119606 This is a collection of four short novellas, two of which are retellings of old fairy tales, the other two are originals. At least I think they are, I...