Peril the first

8 September 2008

As I mentioned in my last proper post Carl’s RIP challenge is on again. And as part of the first Peril I have to “Read Four books of any length, from any subgenre of scary stories that you choose”. So, my list is:

  • Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer – Its got vamps and werewolves, but I’m not sure that it is really scary. Still they fit with the whole supernatural theme of Hallowe’en, right?
  • The Host by Stephanie Meyer – Alien abduction! But as it is Meyer I’m guessing it isn’t going to be that scary. But you never know, not til you read it.
  • Arkham Asylum by Grant Morrison and illustrated by Dave McKean. Batman, in the asylum, written by Morrison. It’s got to be weird and scary.
  • The Giant O’Brien by Hilary Mantel – I don’t think this is a horror, but it is described as a dark gothic tale which involves a doctor becoming obsessed with the giant Charles O’Brien and his desire to dissect him. Fun fun fun.

I may also add a few more when I look through the list of unread books. We’ll see.

Edited to add And I’m already adding books. First up I am Legend which I meant to read ages and ages ago but never got around to it. Thanks Andi.

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5 Responses

  1. Carl V. says:

    I am so happy that you've decided to join in, Fence! Big smiles!!! Can't wait to read your thoughts on I Am Legend. I certainly enjoyed it but it has been a number of years since I've read it.

  2. Harlequin says:

    Surely the scariest thing about Stephenie 'it's got three e's' Meyer's work is the wholly creepy, entirely dysfunctional and borderline abusive relationship between Bella and whatsisname? Can't wait for the film to show me how hot and romantic it is when an obsessive stalker with mega-violent tendencies meets a weak depressive teenager with abandonment issues. Swoon.

  3. Fence says:

    I did start it around the time of the film Carl, but I'm not too fond of reading on the screen. Probably because I spend so much time in front of it at work. But I'm more than willing to give it another go as the little I read was good.

    @H That's the whole point of, like, totally ever romance book out there!

  4. Harlequin says:


  1. 8 September 2008

    […] Pool 125. Madeleine’s Pool 126. Mary Beth’s Pool 127. Emily’s Pool 128. Fence’s Pool 129. Angela’s Pool 130. Terri B.’s Peril 131. Callista’s Pool 132. […]