Two things

31 January 2007

First of all I’d like to join with Carl and say “I’m a bookaholic.”

It was only last week that I’d never been in the brand spanking new Chapters[1] shop on Parnell st., but once I’d been I just kept returning. Picking more books that I know I never really intended to buy. I just kept picking them up going, “hmmm, why not?” Sure they’re only cheap.[2]

And then today I wandered about Waterstones, you know, cause 3 for 2 offers just can’t be ignored. Picked up my three, and then spotted this:

Image of Black Juice

Liked the cover, and so despite it being a hardback and the fact that I’ve never read anything by the author, and that I don’t usually buy short story collections, I decided “ah, sure I might as well.”

Onto the second item on today’s agenda:
Some of you may be aware that the ‘zine Estella’s Revenge has been a little quiet of late. But never fear, it hasn’t gone away. Instead it is being rethought and redeveloped, and will now be concentrating solely on books.

If you’re interested in contributing feature articles, reviews, fiction, or any other tasty, bookish niblet, let us know ASAP!

New writers are welcome, and the new edition should be out March 1st.


  1. My, is it ever shiny
  2. Librarything

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5 Responses

  1. anne says:

    There should be a warning label on books, shouldn't there. Something along the lines of "too much book-shopping will harm your bank account" maybe…?

  2. weenie says:

    I'm not planning on stepping into any book shops this year.

    It's taking a lot of willpower to look away from all those lovely books!

  3. Fence says:

    Warning! May cause overdrafts! And harm your unborn bank balance! That sort of thing Anne?

    Who plans Weenie? It just happens :)

  4. Carl V. says:

    Admitting it is the first step…to accepting it and reveling in the addiction!!!

    Love the cover of that book, I'll have to look it up now.

  5. Fence says:

    Carl, I liked that cover so much that I've gone and borrowed some of the library book coverings to keep it all purty :)