Tagged: Locke

Locke dir. by

Ivan Locke (Hardy) is supposed to be heading home after a long day at work. He is supposed to be watching the game with his wife and sons. But instead he...

The Rossport Five

I’ve been thinking of posting on this subject for a while, but I don’t really know the full story. And searching webland reveals a whole lot of noise, but not a lot of data. And maybe that is the problem.

Lost 1.04 – Walkabout dir. by

Okay, so far we know that there are around 48 survivors of the plane crash, that there is some huge weird beast living on the island, that there are polar bears in the jungle, and that people aren’t straightforward (although I guess we should know that from real life right?).
This episode concentrates on Locke, the more-than-slightly odd fella.