Tagged: published 2010s

The day we disappeared by

Another one from Mount TBR, recommended by Ellie of Curiosity killed the Bookworm. Kate is running away from her life. The stress of her life in Dublin has prompted some sort...

I’ll give you the sun by

Jude and Noah are as close as twins can be. They’re also as far apart as people can be. Because Noah tells us the early story, aged 13, while Jude tells...

Black Dove, White Raven by

Emilia and Teo live as though they were brother and sister. Teo’s mother Delia died when a bird hits the plane is flying, but Emilia’s mother, Rhoda, the wing-walker survived. Devastated...

Hound : Protector by ,

Part of my Once Upon a Time 9 reading, this fits the mythology section best. Based on the myth of Cúchulainn, the Hound of Ulster. Cúchulainn and the whole Táin/Red Branch...

Maplecroft by

Recommended by Kameron Hurley here and by this metafilter thread. Also part of my Once Upon a Time 9 reading, this, to me, fits within folklore, fairy tales, and fantasy, although...

A Slip of the Keyboard by

A week or two before Terry Pratchett died A slip of the keyboard and A blink of the screen arrived for me from amazon. I added them to the bookshelves, thinking...

Rain Reign by

Rose often finds life hard. She has autism, or asperger’s, what they call “high functioning autism. She is slightly obsessed with homonyms and with prime numbers. She keeps a list of...

Discount Armageddon by

An InCryptid Novel ; #1 Verity Price comes from a family of cryptozoologists, or monster hunters. Generations back they used to be part of The Covenant of St. George but they...

A serpent uncoiled by

Dan Shaper is a private investigator. He used to be a mob enforcer. He used to beat and batter and otherwise assault various people on behalf of his criminal bosses. But...

The Bitey Cat by

I’m dipping in and out of Kij Johnson’s collection of short stories At the mouth of the river of bees. The Bitey Cat is one of the stories in the collection....

Daughter of Necessity by

Available to read online at Tor.com via Bookgazing on LadyBusiness In The Odyssey Penelope is the wife of Odysseus. While he is lost on his journey she remains at home on...