Tagged: magicians

The Magician’s Nephew by

The Chronicles of Narnia : book one (or six, depending on whether you go by Narnian history or publication date) In the summer of 1900 Digory and Polly meet. Digory has...

Skin Hunger by

A resurrection of magic ; book 1 Sadima’s mother died in her birthing. The magician paid to help did no such thing; all she did was take the money and leave,...

Shadows by

Read a sample Shadows is set in an alternate world, one where the Newworld has eradicated all magic, and the risks they feel it brings. Magical families have been gene-spliced and...

The Prestige by

It began on a train, heading north through England, although I was soon to discover that the story had really begun more than a hundred years earlier.

The Prestige is a book that covers three different generations of two families, told by a number of different narrators, all in the first person, as they tell their stories in their diaries. Those of you who have seen the film version will be aware that the prestige of the title is the payoff to a magic trick. What you might not know is that this term was invented by Priest but has since come into common usage among practising magicians.

Ptolemy’s Gate by

ISBN: 0552550280 Book 3 in The Bartimaeus Trilogy The assassins dropped into the palace grounds at midnight, four fleet shadows dark against the wall. The fall was high, the ground was...

The Golem’s Eye by

ISBN: 0552550272 #2 in The Bartimaeus Trilogy Group Read: FFseries Although in the previous book Nathaniel said, almost promised, he wouldn’t summon Bartimaeus again, events force his hand. He needs a...

The Amulet of Samarkand by

ISBN: 0552550299 #1 in The Bartimaeus Trilogy Group read: FantasyFavorites & FFseries See also: LibraryThing ; Official Site The temperature of the room dropped fast. Ice formed on the curtains and...