Tagged: Irish myth

The call by

Grey Land #1 Ireland has been cut off from the rest of the world. No ships, no planes. No email contact, not even radio waves make it in or out of...

The serpent and the goddess by

Fergus’s fertility was so renowned that his name itself has been translated as “male ejaculation son of super stallion”. His virility was such that seven fists fit in his penis and...

Hounded by

Book 1 in the Iron Druid Chronicles Atticus O’Sullivan is not what he appears to be. He is not 21 years old. He is not American. His name isn’t even Atticus,...

Hound : Protector by ,

Part of my Once Upon a Time 9 reading, this fits the mythology section best. Based on the myth of Cúchulainn, the Hound of Ulster. Cúchulainn and the whole Táin/Red Branch...