Tagged: faith

The apostle dir. by

Where to start with this film… Well, I guess with where it starts, with a man. Brooding, unhappy. With a past. And a missing sister he must rescue. As for where...

Clockwork Boys by

The Clocktaur War ; book 1 Any book by Ursula Vernon (aka T. Kingfihser) is one that I want to read, and as I back her on Patreon I have had...

Abide with me by

Tyler Caskey is a minister in a small New England town. His wife, Lauren, passed away just over a year ago. Since then his youngest daughter lives with Tyler’s mother, coming...

Signs dir. by

I found this to be a very disappointing film. I had enjoyed Shyamalan’s films and had hoped for something equally as good. It wasn’t even a twist that I was looking...