Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

2011 #6

I’m not even going to mention the fact that this is only number 6 of the year and yet we are almost midway through May, so you shouldn’t either

Author talk by

As you may remember, last year I came across a series of books by Patrick Ness, The Chaos Walking trilogy. Which I loved. They even made me cry they were so good. And when I spotted that he was going to write a book based on an idea by Siobhan Dowd I thought, oh, that sounds fascinating. And then I saw the cover, and thought “ooooohhh that looks veeeery interesting”.

Ghosts of Vesuvius by

It is hard to blurb this book. On the one hand it is about Vesuvius and volcanic explosions and disasters both natural and man-made. But it is also a book about the origins of the earth, of the universe, and about how precarious our existence is. How so much of what we are today is dependent on natural events a thousand years ago, or a millennia ago, or so long ago that it is almost pointless to count the time because it is so difficult to grasp those sort of numbers.

Hobo with a shotgun dir. by

This once existed only as a trailer to Grindhouse but one day some one decided to go on ahead and make the film. I mean, it has a catchy title, in a Snakes on a plane sort of way. And the idea of a sort of comedy action film with Rutger Hauer as a hobo with a shotgun sounded like it might be vaguely entertaining.

The plot is this: hobo shows up in an ultra violent town. Ultra violent things occur. Blood. Gore. Death.

Beginning shortly

So, that was unexpected news about Bin Laden, don’t you think. I was out doing the garden this morning and so was later than the rest of all the world in reading about it. And as an anti-death penalty person I have to say that I’m quite happy hearing he isn’t with us any more. Not so sure about the pictures of the jubilant scenes outside the White House, but I guess a lot of those people were affected a lot more by the September 11 attacks

Danger Will Robinson

We-elll The upgrade went okay. Although the automatic yoke didn’t work so I had to do a manual. Still, seems okay. But look a new theme! Where did that come from...

The Wise Man’s Fear by

ISBN: 9780575088078 The Kingkiller Chronicle, Day two Read for the Once Upon a Time V reading challenge, see what every one’s been reading on the review site ; Quotes I liked...

The Name of the Wind by

ISBN: 9780575087057 Book 1 in The Kingkiller Chronicles Read for the Once Upon a Time V reading challenge, see what every one’s been reading on the review site ; Quotes I...

April Spotlight by

Yes, it is slightly more than a month since my last *monthly* spotlight on post. But what can I say? I’m nothing if not predictable in my not sticking to my...

Swamplandia! by

ISBN: 9780701186029 Our mother performed in starlight. Ava Bigtree lives in Swamplandia! with her family. They wrestle alligators in front of tourists for a living. Until recently Ava’s mother Hillola was...

Bad blogger! No biscuit :(

Well, maybe just the one. So I moved, is it two weeks ago now? from an apartment to a 3 bed semi-d. In an estate, how suburbian and domestic. I even...