Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

The making of Mollie by

Mollie Carberry ; book 1 Mollie Carberry’s life seems pretty dull until she discovers her older sister Phyllis is a suffragette! When she and her friend Nora get involved they must...

Jan 2018 round-up

And like that January is over and we’re slap bang into February! It’d be remiss of me, and possibly even unIrish if I didn’t mention the beginning of the “stretch in...

The prey of gods by

I added this book to my TBR pile a whole year ago, when it was rec’d by Kameron Hurley. And then it was one of the books discussed on Fangirl Happy...

Women & power by

Hearing the latest sex abuse scandal or the latest supposedly feminist man revealed as a jerk using his power and position for sexual gain can sometimes make consuming the news feel...

Birdsong by

The French trilogy ; 2 Set before, during, and after World War 1 Birdsong tells the story of a young Englishman. Staring before the war in France where he starts a...

Mount TBR Jan 2018

I’d fallen behind on my additions to Mount TBR, but, you know, new year, new start. And all that. This month’s additions are : Williams, Jan – The Bitter twins Eddo-Lodge,...

Prevenge dir. by

Ruth is a murderer. Seven months pregnant she believes her unborn child is telling her, forcing her, to murder people. She has her targets, arranges meetings or dresses up to entice...