The Medici Guns

April Lady by

ISBN: 043432826X – Georgette Heyer There was a silence in the book-room, not the silence of intimacy but a silence fraught with tension Nell is in a little spot of bother....

Anansi Boys by

ISBN: 0755305078 It begins, as most things begin, with a song Fat Charlie is fat, but the nickname has stuck. It is his father’s fault, if Fat Charlie’s dad calls something...

A Song for Arbonne by

ISBN: 0586216774 Reread with FantasyFavorites On a morning in the springtime of the year, when the snows of the mountains were melting and the rivers swift in their running, Aelis de...

The Curse of Chalion by

Cazaril heard the mounted horsemen on the road before he saw them. He glanced over his shoulder. The well-worn track behind him curled up around a rolling rise, what passed for a hill on these high windy plains, before dipping again into the late-winter muck of Baocia’s bony soil

Lois McMaster Bujold is one of the big names in SFF, but I’ve only recently come to read her books. A few months ago I read Paladin of Souls, which is the second in the Chalion series. But although there are reoccuring characters and shared history I don’t think you have to have the first one in order to read that. I hadn’t, but I’m sure that if I now reread it after reading The Curse of Chalion it would make a lot more sense.

Winter Rose by

ISBN: 1904233074 They said later that he rode into the village on a horse the color of buttermilk, but I saw him walk out of the wood Rois has always been...

Broken by

As the sixth book book in a series it helps if you’ve read the previous novels by Armstrong, but it isn’t essential. However, I’ve read them all, and enjoyed them. They aren’t “serious fiction” but they are well-written with humour and good characterisation. Perfect easy reading without being trash.

The Middle Window by

This isn’t the sort of book I normally would have picked up, if I hadn’t recently read The Little White Horse I wouldn’t have been tempted by this. But there it...

The Little White Horse by

The carriage gave another lurch, and Maria Merryweather, Miss Heliotrope, and Wiggins once more fell into each other’s arms, sighed, gasped, righted themselves, and fixed their attention upon those objects which were for each of them at this trying moment the source of courage and strength.

I picked this book up on a total whim, I have the vaguest recollections of a tv series by the same name, which may or may not have existed. But if it did I think I found it boring. Still I’m a horse fan. It was cheap, and short. I gave in.

The Egyptologist by

Read with Historical Favorites Journal: Arrival in Cairo via rail from Alexandria. Set to work immediately. Have scheduled five days in Cairo for logistics and background wailting prior to heading south...

Micah by

ISBN: 0515140872 Series: Anita Blake #13 /p> It was half past dawn when the phone rang. It shattered the first dreams of the night into a thousand peices so that I...

Powder and Patch by

Prviously published as The Transformation of Philip Jettan: A Comedy of Manners ISBN: 434328014 c.1923 If you searched among the Downs in Sussex, somewhere between Midhurst and Brighthelmstone, inland a little,...