The Ultimates

Red Son by

by Mark Millar

I love the idea behind this graphic novel. Superman, instead of being raised by the Kents in Kansas, instead lands in the middle of Russia and is raised on a collective farm. Growing up, instead of embodying the American Dream, he becomes the Champion of the common worker. And so much of it is just cool. There are loads of great touches, I loved the idea of the alternate Batman.

Unfortunately it never got beyond the “oooh that sounds cool” aspect of the story.

The Ultimates by

Writ: Mark Millar & Illus: Bryan Hitch

I was a little disappointed in these graphic novels. Mainly because they often seemed to look for the cheap laugh while at the same time trying to be all gritty at the same time. You can usually go for one or the other, but both at the same time usually doesn’t work.