all really intelligent people should be cremated for reasons of public safety

5 August 2006


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4 Responses

  1. Carl V. says:

    Hmmmm…this post seems oddly familiar! ;) Loved Screw-on Head…can't wait to see the Hellboy animated stuff, and am excited that it looks like someone (Universal) FINALLY picked up del Toro and Mignola's script to make Hellboy 2. Unfortunately it looks like 2008 before we'll see it.

    You might be interested to know that there is a Hellboy Companion book coming out this fall. Looks to be filled with all kinds of Mignola goodness.

  2. Fence says:

    I was away for the weekend Carl, had to leave something entertaining behind :)

    2008 is only two years away. Hellboy was a great film, loved it, but was totally unfamiliar with the character before the film.

  3. Carl V. says:

    Hope you've had a chance to go back and read Mignola's stuff. As fun as the film is it doesn't come close to capturing the rich history and mythology and folklore that Mignola taps for his tales of both Hellboy and the BPRD. I recommend all the BPRD graphic novels as well, it started out slow but each story arc just gets better and better and these last 2 were phenomenal. Mignola's panel work is unapproachable in my opinion but Guy Davis does a very good job with the art in the BPRD series and gets better with each issue. The Hellboy graphic novels are by far my favorite though Sandman comes close. Fables is probably next. Great stuff…and 2008 isn't soon enough! ;)

  4. Fence says:

    It is on my list of things to get to Carl :)