“And then she woke up.” I suppose there are worse endings.

30 June 2006

Weird dreams last night; doubly weird as in my memory now they all happened at the same time. Which makes no sense whatsoever.

Dream #1 involved travelling somewhere[1] on a train. Only the train was set up with three tows of three seats. I was at the edge of the middle row, and next to me was some girl drawing pictures. Only when the train pulled in[2] there was a right grumpy wan taking tickets and making us stand waiting in a big giant holding pen. All very boring. And then I was chatting with de fadder on the mobile talking about a house[3] that I owned, but wasn’t living in, and why didn’t I give it to brother #2 as he needed somewhere to stay for the night.
Still stuck in this big holding pen, which was outside, when a plane tried to land in the middle of us all. And then either the dream ended, or I just can’t remember what happened next.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting[4]

Dream #2 I have even less memory of. But I know it existed, and was strange. So despite offering not even the slightest hint of what it was about it still gets listed in “the list of last night’s weird dreams”. Something about two women, who were possibly zombies, possibly not. They were mother and daughter and were chasing some man around a room, that looked like a classroom. Possibly because I was reading Anansi Boys yesterday, and that had a mother and daughter. Although they were in danger from a man…

Dream #3. The weirdest[5] I’m not sure exactly how it started off, but I know there were two girls, 18/19ish, and an older woman looking after them. And they were planning to be married, or hoping to might be more accurate. So they needed dresses, so the old woman sent the blonde one off to get clothes, and she was very specific. For some reason she had promised the brunette that she could wear red, so the blonde was told to get something red, and something blue.

Then, in one of those sudden jumps that dreams like to do, the blonde one was in a room with some fella, a really good prospective husband, and he had a dress. Which was red, and blondie knew that it was red[6] from the blood of this fella’s[7] previous wife. But she also knew that he would marry whomever wore the dress. And there was a fair chance that he’d kill them too. But it was the only red dress. Possibly in the entire world.[8] So she took it with her, and tried to tell the brunette and the old woman but they either didn’t want to hear, or didn’t care. So brunette wore the blood red dress. I don’t think blondie got her new blue one, she was just waiting for hubby to kill brunette so she could marry him next. Why she wanted to marry him, I don’t know.

Like I said. Weird dreams.


  1. so far, not so weird, I know
  2. don’t know where we were going
  3. possibly an apartment
  4. no, this has no bearing on any of my dreams, although occasionally they did seem to resemble comic art. But its been weeks since I’ve read any so I’m not sure where that came from
  5. unless of course the dream I don’t remember was weirder, but I’ll never know
  6. they say we dream in black and white, but that dress was red.
  7. his hands were covered in blood too.
  8. dreams are odd

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20 Responses

  1. anne says:

    Wow. You see, I'm ill today, so really… weird dreams.

  2. Carl V. says:

    Sounds like a wild set of dreams! Too bad we can't video tape our dreams, they'd make for some interesting viewing. Love the James Jean Fables picture.

  3. Carl V. says:

    Sorry to hear that Anne, hope you get feeling better very soon. Enjoy the weird dreams though!

  4. Talena says:

    Weird that you had all those weird dreams the same night I had that weird dream about you! Don't you ever see yourself in your dreams? I hardly ever (read never, I think) have a dream in the third person, unless it's watching myself do something in the third person.

    Nines- re: last post's comments (I know I'm messing up the order, here);

    Is it because all Irish names are so distinctive? With only one spelling, or something? And too few Irish to go around so it's not like every other person is named Ghaine (did I spell that right?) or Seamus, or something? (P.S. I always thought it would be cool to have a kid named Seamus, but my completely-un-Irish husband didn't go for it.)

    Ya' know, I guess I didn't think "Fence" was a real, real name, just maybe a real nickname that she went by all the time, or something. I grew up with a Rocky. That was his real name.

    Also, good gender-neutral choice. It took me quite a while to figure out which gender you were! If you're trying to hide from Big Brother, you're doing a smash-up job.

    I thought about blogging anonymously, but since the whole reason I started was to help keep in touch with friends and family after we moved over 8 hours away, that wouldn't really have worked. I do use the pseudonym "scrapnqueen" on occasion, but anyone who follows the link to my blog sees my real name first off, so it's not much of a decoy.

    Sorry for the long post.

  5. NineMoons says:

    Hiya Talena! I think if I had a shitcool name like Talena Winters, I probably wouldn't want to use any other name. :-)

    Maybe half of Irish babies are given Irish names – real Irish names like Daire or Siobhán or Anglicised versions of Irish names, like Maureen instead of Máirín or Kathleen instead of Cáitlín. Other babas are given saints names, names from other countries or exotic names, just like in other countries. There are often several spellings of any Irish name so having a more unusual one might make your name stand out a bit. Fence's real name is unusually spelled and she also has a reasonably uncommon surname, so it's probable that she's the only holder of that full name in Ireland.

    If you are an Irish bloggers with a common first name (like Mary or Brian or David or whatever), and you blog away about what it's like living in Dublin and working in the IT sector and going home to Cork city every once in a while, it's going to be pretty hard for anyone to figure out who you are. If your first name is Setanta, you will find it harder to hide. And if your name is Maolsheachlann, one google and you're caught. (hey Mal!)

    We're a small country (4 million) people and while we don't all know each other, we're about two degrees of separation away from anyone else on the island. So it can be uncomfortable to be blogging under your real name, even just your real first name, because the potential for your mother's best friend's son reading it and telling your Mammy is huge. I have one blogger friend who was instructed by his uncle to remove references to a family farm from his website – they found him when coincidentally googling the name of the place in question!

    Fence is called that because she used to be Fencesitter – she who sits on the Fence and rarely comes down on one side or the other of an issue! It is NOT because she sells stolen goods for people! :roll:

    Seamus Winters? Hmmm. Winters is a great surname – any forename is going to sound great with it. A friend of mine is marrying a fella named Swift – I'd even consider changing my name if that was the choice!

  6. Talena says:

    Nines, you are friggin' hilarious. And my new best friend, after all the compliments! ;-)

    I seriously did not know that Ireland had only 4 million people in it. It's been populated a long time–I thought there would be more people there by now. I guess war and emigration have taken their toll. (On second thought, you're probably rubbing elbows as it is, so maybe it's a good thing?)

    I also thought Siobhan would be a cool name for a girl. Got shot down on that one, too. I think I decided to use it for a character in a short story, instead. (Chiara is popular over here right now. That's Irish, right?)

    As I explained to Fence (Hi, Fence!) in an e-mail, my mother's maiden name is Irish, but the real Irish blood has been bred out generations ago. Sigh. Too bad–Irish people are so cool. Seriously. I wish I was half so cool.

    Oh, and, by the way Nines, I visited your blog once, read the whole long story about buying a house, etc., and couldn't figure out how to comment on the friggin' thing. I'll blame my blond Scandinavian roots for that one, but help a girl out, will ya?

  7. Doll says:

    Me too, having strange dreams. I had romance, nude yoga, horror & credit cards. All wrapped up into one big slideshow type dream show. At least I am not alone.

  8. NineMoons says:

    Comments are closed after a certain length of time. I've been neglecting the blog lately so no-one can comment at all any more. And am sadly NOT buying a house so that whole story is very out of date! :-(

    Ciara (Keer-ah) is Irish, so is Cara (Cah-ra) but Chiara isn't. I know there's an Italian actress with that name – she was in ROME. I don't know how it's pronounced. Hmm.

    The first baby born in my (extended) family in 17 years is called Siobhán. She's the coolest child I've ever met.

    Ireland is about the size of West Virginia (apparently) but about a million and a half of the total population live in Dublin and the surrounding commuter belt. So elsewhere, it's pretty spread out. Two centuries ago the population was bigger but a couple of million either died or emigrated because of the Famine and then the country was so poor a lot of people didn't get married and have kids or they had kids and the kids never made it to adulthood, so the population went down a lot. And emigration was an ordinary fact of life until relatively recently. But now we have immigration so the population's increasing again! Yay!

  9. Talena says:

    At this rate, Fence is going to close the comments on us! ;-)

    Thanks for all the info. I actually got curious last night, and went and Googled Ireland so I wouldn't sound like such a dope while talking to you guys. Got a lot of factoids, not much else.

    Anyway, Chiara, Kiara, Ciara, any and all spellings and origins of the name are popular over here right now. I'm surprised how many people do not name for meaning or origin. I was also surprised to learn that one spelling means "fair" and the other means "dark." Weird.

    I also love the name Kyra.

    Sadly, I was not blessed with any girls. So, I will have to continue to write short stories to satisfy any urges to bestow feminine names on anyone–or name inanimate objects–or get a she-dog. Hmm.

  10. Mal says:

    Talena IS a fantastic name. Sounds kind of space-queeny. And Winters is also very classy. Can I steal that name? People might laugh at a bloke called Talena, but to hell with them. OK, maybe not, on second thoughts.

    As for me, I have nothing to hide.

    What's so great about a rising population? So we can have more housing estates and more supermarkets and more shopping centres? More roads, more cars?

    Loved the account of your dreams, Fence. Isn't it strange that our dreams are so extravagant and surreal when our daily lives– even for the most adventurous and exciting people– are so drab? At least my dreams are extravagant, and it seems yours are too. I think that it's proof that the imagination is our true home. Obviously reality must be taken into account, or we'll just end up jumping out of tenth-floor windows convinced we can fly. But reality is just a starting-point. A picture of a waterfall is (in a sense), more real than the waterfall itself, even though it is dependent upon and derivative of the waterfall.

    Although troubled relations between the sexes seems to be a theme of your dreamathon. At least that's what occured to me.

  11. Talena says:

    Thanks, Mal! If you want to be a Talena too, I suppose there's enough name to go around. ;-)

    Sounds like a country song–"A Boy Named Talena". Hmm, not the same ring as Sue, though.

    I married into the last name. My maiden name was Hilman. The first name, actually, IS kind of space-queeny. My parents got it from the science fiction book series about Gor, (by John Norman, I think), about a counter-earth on the other side of the sun where all the women were slaves and it was a tribal society–Talena was a chieftain's daughter. Okay, my Dad got my name from there. I don't think my mom would have ever read the books if it weren't for him.

    The origin, however, is Etruscan, best as I can figure–from Thulna, the Etruscan goddess of love.

    Now how jealous are you? :-D

  12. Mal says:

    Not jealous. Just thinking of renaming myself Elrond.

  13. Fence says:

    Anne, hope you are feeling better now?

    Carl, that is a great idea. Some has to have the technology to be able to do that. Televised dreams, I'm not sure if the world is quite ready yet.

    Talena, you are more than welcome to type even longer comments. And I agree with the others, Talena is a great name, and that is a cool stroy to be able to tell about why you have it.

    Hi Doll, welcome to the blog. Of course, now I'm wondering where the credit cards fitted into your dream :)

  14. Mal says:

    Am I the only person who finds the idea of technology capable of recording dreams horrifying?

  15. Fence says:

    I wouldn't like it to be used without my knowledge, but do you not think it'd be great to be able to record your own dreams, just to see how weird they really were.

  16. Mal says:

    No. The whole point of dreams is there is that impassable barrier between the conscious and the subconcious mind. Dreams can't be tamed or measured or captured, like so much else.

    I did keep a dream diary for a while, though.

    "Where do you go to my lovely, when you're alone in your bed…"

  17. Fence says:

    No barrier is impassable. Onwards *insert religion of choice* soldiers, ever victorious. Just like Eric, you know, Eric inn sigrsæli.

  18. Mal says:

    It was the invention of the wheel that started the rot, I think.

  19. Fence says:

    Or possibly with the evolution of the first multi-cellular organism?

  20. Mal says:

    Yeah! Actually Keith Waterhouse wrote an article (it was in a collection of his columns I had, from the seventies) where he was writing about speculations that some primitive organism was about to emerge from the Primal Soup. And he listed all the things its descendants would experience (I remember "old ladies eating cardboard" was one) and his last line: "My advice to that organism: stay in the pool".

    Anyway, life was like that for most of its history; all this multi-cellular stuff is just a fad, a craze. One minutes its gills, the next its legs and arms. Crazy.