Tagged: publisher – Harper Collins

The Magician’s Nephew by

The Chronicles of Narnia : book one (or six, depending on whether you go by Narnian history or publication date) In the summer of 1900 Digory and Polly meet. Digory has...

The Bees by

From the moment she emerges out of her cell Flora 717 is not like the other bees. She has been born a sanitation bee, meant to clean and to take orders...

Girl with a pearl earring by

In seventeenth century Holland Griet is about to become a maid. She is sixteen years of age. Her father was blinded in an accident so the family are suffering financially. She...

The Owl Service by

Alison and Roger have come to Wales on a holiday with their parent and respective step-parent. Roger’s father and Alison’s mother have recently married and in a way this is a...

The moor by

Author: Mary Russell
If you’ve read my reviews of the other books in this series you’ll already know that I really love them. If you haven’t here’s a quick recap; Sherlock Holmes, a real historical figure retired to Sussex in order to tend to his bees. While there he met Mary Russell; a somewhat moody, if quite brilliant, teenager and took her under his wing. She became his apprentice and later his wife. Errr, spoiler alert! In this, the fourth in the series, Sherlock sends Russell a telegram summoning her to Dartmoor and the moor that was the setting for The Hound of the Baskervilles. There are reports of another ghostly beast roaming the countryside and an old friend of Holmes would like him to investigate. Especially when a man is found dead on the moor.

Stupid White Men by

A good read, if a little scary at time. In a way it is unreal, like watching a parania TV show, and maybe that is why this sort of thing is ignored. We don’t really believe things are as bad as this books makes the out. Or if we do believe, we don’t want to. Ignore it and it will go away.