Tagged: knowledge is important

The language of power by

The Steerswoman series ; 4 If you haven’t read the previous books in the series then this is not the place to start. Go back to book one and follow Rowan...

The lost steersman by

The Steerswoman series ; book 3 Last year I read and really enjoyed the first two books in this series, but for some reason it has taken me almost a year...

The Steerswoman by

The Steerswoman Series : 1 From Mount TBR – rec’d by Renay Steerswomen, and a very few Steersmen, are members of an order dedicated to discovering and disseminating knowledge. Although they...

A knowledge of history is important

I’m referring to a letter I saw in the Sunday Times (I think) about London’s reaction to the bombings. I can’t find it online, so I’m forced to rely on my memory, but the gist of it was that this bombing will not work. That other countries have tried to take over England; The Romans, the Vikings, the French, the Germans and the Irish. Tried and failed.