Susan Hated Literature she'd much prefer to read a good book

The Night Circus by

In 1873 a package was delivered to a magician. A package that was, in fact, his daughter. The child’s mother had killed herself, distraught at being abandoned by the magician, and...

Pegasus and the flame by

Mythology and Reality collide! So the blurb on the back of this book tell me. The mythical winged stallion Pegasus crash lands on a rooftop in modern day New York, fleeing...

Victorian sex factoids

Victorian sex factoids: Something that becomes accepted as a fact, although it is not (or may not be) true; spec. an assumption or speculation reported and repeated so often that it...

Julian Barnes wins the Booker

I haven’t read Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes, and to be honest I don’t feel any great need to at the moment. It is supposed to be a good...

There is no dog by

Imagine that God was a teenage boy, and a spoiled, sulky, sex-crazed one at that. One who became god because his mother won the job gambling. Now imagine that every time...